Thursday, September 9, 2010

Gift From the Sea

I read Anne Morrow Lindbergh's Gift from the Sea many years ago...

the sea always inspires me with its beauty

life is a gift

given in trust

like a child...

I feel we are all islands

in a common sea...

bringing the sea

to # 31

at Country Roads this week

beautiful gold coral

I love the juxtaposition of mixing

all of the elements in coastal displays

linking up with our very lovely hostess

Debra at Common Ground

for her fabulous Inspiration Friday


Linda @ Itsy Bits And Pieces said...

Beautiful decor, Kate, and lovely vignettes...just hopped over from Vintage Inspiration...

Unknown said...

Truly gorgeous and inspiring, I think that incorporating elements from the sea is wonderful year 'round! Adore your lovely little world here, happy to be your newest follower!

Sue said...

I barely saw you today, sorry, we got BUSY!! I did see your space though, and it looks great. And thank you for reminding me about Inspirational Friday. I'm so confused this week. I too love all the sea holds for us and tend to surround myself with shells and such. My bedroom is entirely about the beach and ocean. See you soon my friend!


Debra@CommonGround said...

I'm so envious of those who live near the ocean. It is a completely different way of life and looking at things. Your coral and sea elements are so lovely, and how you have used them in decor and your booth is just so pretty. I always love seeing your space, it changes each time, and is always an inspiration. Kate, thanks so much for taking the time to do this wonderful post and linking back to the party.
hugs and love,

Elizabeth Ann said...

Beautiful coral! I agree with Debra, I look forward to seeing a new post from you each day. I'm always inspired by how you merchandise your booth.

By the way I say a little prayer for you and your family each time I see your blog. Which is almost every day.

Elizabeth Ann

Kristin @ Yellow Bliss Road said...

Um, I think it's time to come and redecorate my dining room again ~ love all the seashells and coral especially. and I LOVE your new coffee table!!!

See you Saturday..

Cheryl ~ ZanyMayd said...

Hi Kate ~ There's nothing Better than the Deep Blue Sea.... Love the Coral.... I have NO idea where it is in Cali that you are from & I Know it is a Huge (also Beautiful) State... I am coming to visit My Cousin in the late Winter (will need a break from the ice & cold here in Michigan) any way, I am planning on Meeting up with Jamie "Simply Me Art" My Cousin lives in Oxnard, Jamie said that is about 30 minutes from Her.... I would Love to be able to meet My Favorite Blogging Friends, If Possible ~ doing a little Treasure Hunting would be a Dream ~ anyway, You may be far from there, but just in case! Have a Wonderful Weekend


Loved your photos ~ truly gifts of the sea.

This summer I reread, "NO MORE WORDS" by Anne Lindberg's daughter. It is the story of Anne's last years, when her daughter cared for her. I could hardly put the book down. Her daughter is a great wordsmith too. You might enjoy it, Kate. (a little sad, though, but so well done.)


All That Jazz said...

Kate- Seriously, I drool over everything you have in your house and shop!!!! I love the creamy coral....have been looking and looking at thrifts hoping to come across a piece but haven't been so lucky!! Thanks for always being so inspirational! ;-)

trash talk said...

The sea is a mystery with beauty hidden just below the surface. I love how you interpret her beauty. You are so fortunate to be in Country Roads and friends with Sue. I envy you that...she's one of my favorite people.
P.S. I adore that first lamp!

marĂ­a cecilia said...

Beautiful gifts from the sea, Kate!!!
maria cecilia

tara said...

speaking my language, I love the sea, I couldn't live away from it, even tho I like to talk like I could!! :) loving your vignettes. so pretty and so soothing! your space looks fantastic! Happy weekend sweet girl~ xo

Anne Lorys said...

Just amazingly beautiful, Kate!

Praying for you and your dear mama. :-)

Anonymous said...

Hi, I'm visiting from Debbie's Vintage Inspiration Friday. I love all of the coral you have displayed in your booth and home! All of your vignettes are just gorgeous! Thanks for the fabulous inspiration!
Have a great weekend!
~ Jo :)

Olive said...

Beautiful sea objects under glass. hugs♥olive

The Smith Hotel said...

Love the coral! I wish I lived closer to the beach! It's so much fun to look for treasures!


Rachel Noelle Pallas said...


Polly said...

Hi Kate! Your new blog look is beautiful! Lovin all the gray!

The sea is truly a gift to us! I haven't been to the beach in six years, and I am really wanting to make a trip. We live nowhere near the ocean, but I always have a few coastal touches here and there.

Everything is gorgeous! Your style is so beautiful and you make it seem so effortless! I always love all your things and the way to put them together!

Have a great weekend girl!!


Tanza said...

Hi Sweet Kate,
Sooo happy we ran into each other, and it was pure JoY, and such FuN meeting you, and catching up with BoB, what a wonderfully, blessed, and small world we live in !! You are beautiful, and I adore all the warm, beachy decor !! Soo relaxing, and I could just imagine the lovliness of it all !! We will catch up soon, and NoW I know where to find you !! Your children are gorgeous too !! You are a blessed Momma .. Have a happy week sweet one, and be blessed !!
HuGs ~Tanza~ xo

Object of Maya*ffection said...

LOVE the tiered tray / plate display (and the sweet bottle on the nightstand)

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