Friday, January 18, 2013

The Late Bloomer

A Late Bloomer is considered a person

whose talents or capabilities are not visible to others

until later than usual...

I was a " puppy with really large paws "

Looking back upon my youth I was geeky,

awkward and nerdy. I was not anything special

during high school. I was thrilled just to be asked to

go to my junior prom. In fact I starting wearing

cosmetics and styling my hair at the age of twenty eight...

Even as a young mother and wedding planner I was

desperately searching...

You see I was " dog paddling " hoping if I

kept my head above water long enough I would

not drown. I would finally fit in and find my place.

You know that place where you actually not only 

like who you are but really love yourself as well.

While I was busy " dog paddling " and looking around

at all the others who were way ahead of me in the game

I did not realize that I was growing and growing

into the place that God would have me be...

Many years were tough and painful and 

I kept waiting till that moment when would I find myself.

I wanted to find the woman that I knew was

inside of me. Like a caterpillar eating its way

through the cocoon till it becomes the butterfly...

Each step, every road and wrong turn I traveled is

precious to me.

This beautiful world and life we live is constantly moving

and now I stand here in my place.

Funny as I look back and think that

only a few friends recognized me at my ten year high school

reunion and the same followed at our twenty fifth get together.


I recognized me! I have bloomed and now I had wonderful

wisdom and life lessons to enjoy with this new found glory...

At the start of my blogging I too

was a late bloomer and a " puppy ". Oh what

a beautiful journey this has been.

Each reader, every blogger you have truly

blessed my heart...

My friends near and far I have such a love for you

  I am grateful  for your love and support that you have

given unto me through this journey

we share called " blogging ".

My gratitude to  Jennifer Taylor who wrote asking me 

 if I would like to be a part of Artful Blogging

I am so very humbled and my heart is filled with joy.

" Beauty from Ashes "  

Available Feb 1st.

Being a late bloomer was truly God's perfect plan 

for my life...

To Patrick the most handsome LB

You are truly a gift of a genuine and caring man

full of integrity. I am blessed and honored to

be a part of your life and call you friend

this one is for you!


Linking up this week to the lovelies in blogland


  1. Kate this is so wise. If only more girls would know that so much more is to come and grow into as life goes on.
    the constant longing to be someone else or look like the popular people seems to be the only thing young girls care about and forget it is the lifes lessons that come with growing into our bodies that makes all the difference of how things will turn out
    I really think you are setting such a wonderful example for your gracie and will give her such open eyes of what it means to be a woman
    Congrats on your magazine!!!
    Your words deserve to grace such lovely pages.

  2. Congrats on being published in Artwork Blogging.....a dream come true for you!! You're such an amazing stylist!!

  3. Congratulations, you smart, sweet, talented friend! You are not only a blessing to your family...but to us bloggers as well! ♥

    xoox laurie

  4. Hey friend. I love reading your heartfelt posts and words of wisdom. Thank you for sharing.

    I have to share with you that I will be with you in the spring Artful Blogging magazine. Very thankful and humbled by the opportunity. You are so deserving, sweet lady.

  5. Sweet Kate congratulations on your feature!Your home and photos are so lovely!I am so happy for you!!!! Can't wait to see you in print!

  6. You deserve every joy and happiness this has brought you. So excited for you my friend, and so blessed to have been a part of the journey. I have a couple people scouring the east coast for an early copy!!!

  7. You've bloomed beautifully, Kate. Congrats on your feature. I've said it before, but you deserve the praise.

  8. We are a family of late bloomers. My husband became a successful professional artist at 55 after a long career in business. I got my teaching credential at 40 an have had a wonderful career as a middle school teacher. I don't think I would be the teacher I am today if I had started at 22. My son recently quit teaching at UCLA to return to school for a degree in engineering. My daughter at 30 is just hitting her stride in an incredible company after working at GAP corporate, google and facebook. She is still looking for who she is and we tell her not to settle or sell herself short. I actually feel sorry for people who stay cast in their original mold.

    You sound like you are just where you want to be. Good for you.

  9. This is such a lovely post, Kate! I believe that each of us is on a journey...our own journey. We should not compare ours to someone else's. All we have been through, brings us to where we are now...A big congratulations on your Artful Blogging article!

  10. beautiful images and equally beautiful words from a beautiful lady!
    Bec x

  11. I love that magazine....i am glad you are in !!....we can buy it here in Holland.....if i pay you...will you send me one or two numbers of artful blogging ???...please let me know you

  12. Excited to see your feature Kate... you are a beautiful late bloomer... inside and out, xoxo Julie Marie

  13. I am so glad you can look back and know you were in HIS hands all along, and be content with that. That is true submission to HIM. Congrats and Hugs, Rea

  14. What a beautiful post Kate!! And I am so excited to see your much deserved article in "Artful Blogging"!!!!
    You are truly an inspiration to us all!!
    Much love~

  15. Thank You , KATE . . . You ALWAYS make Us feel like a MILLION BUCKS and Your Comments are ALWAYS so Sweet !!!
    You can be Our JUNKY VALENTINE Anytime ! (don't worry Mr. D.) !!
    BIG HUGS from TEXAS !

  16. Contrats girl this is à beautiful blessing, and of course you should be gracing the pages of artful blogging a perfect fit for such a women of God to appear and a testimony to all of us that being a late bloomer can be a great thing. God has a plan in each and everyone of our lives, be it now or later. Kate I find it hard to believe that you were a late bloomer in anything you did, I think you just did not see who your were and what you had to offer until my dear friend truly are someone to love.

    I will be running to pick up my copy as soon as I see it hit our book store stands.

    Lots of everything to you.
    Love and Blessings

  17. This was a beautiful post!I hear you as I am still trying to just fit in myself and I think time is simply running out.

    Congratulations so excited to get a copy.Always my best to you~Cheers & Blessings Kim

  18. On the day of realization you could celebrate like another birth day.

  19. Kate what a beautiful beautiful post! And Congrats on being asked to be part of Artful Blogging I love that magazine, what an honor! I will definetely be buying to read your article I am so happy for you!!

  20. Congratulations Kate - I am soooo happy for you!
    I'm still in the awkward puppy stage myself with my blog - you truly are an inspiration
    Big hugs,
    XOX too

  21. Kate, what a lovely post. I feel myself in the same awkward spot in my own life right now. The caterpillar who is ready to become a butterfly. Thank you so much for your inspirational words, and for sharing your story with Artful Blogging.

    All the best,

  22. Wonderful post Kate! So excited for you and will b sure to pick up a copy of the mag!

  23. Oh if I only had your beautiful words to read a long time ago!
    Congrats to you Kate...can't wait to read for myself!
    Enjoy your weekend!

  24. Hi Kate ~~~ I am so happy for you, and truly feel I can relate to your words. God is so good and faithful. Blessings to you Kate.

    Pearl 13.1

  25. What a beautiful post ... it seems to me you are beautiful on the inside and out. Congratulations on your feature in Artful Blogging, it's well deserved.

  26. Hello Kate,
    I've just made my way here from Common Ground. I think you have bravely shared words that many only carry in their hearts. Congratulations on your feature in Artful Blogging! I'm looking forward to exploring your blog more, and am following now.
    Jeanette @ Creating A Life

  27. such a beautiful post Kate! I've loved getting to know you and watch you grow. Can't wait to read your feature, congratulations sweet friend!

  28. You are such a gifted writer, Kate and i always enjoy your posts....both photos and words:-)

    So glad I met you through blogging and still treasure our meeting at Country Roads a few years ago.

    Enjoy the journey, my friend.


  29. I am SOOOOOOO thrilled for you, beautiful girl!
    You truly do have an amazing, inspiring story to share.

    I love you!!!


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